All 4 Parts
All 4 Parts with Metronome
Soprano with Metronome
All except Soprano
Alto with Metronome
All except Alto
Tenor with Metronome
All except Tenor
Bass with Metronome
All except Bass
Holy, holy, almighty,
Our Creator and Helper.
Holy, holy, almighty,
I thanked him, let us sing.
He has been and always is!
Holy, holy Eternal.
Holy, Holy Sacrificial Lamb
Your victory is our power
Holy, Holy Sacrificial Lamb
You gave everything for us.
He has been and always is!
Holy, holy Eternal.
Holy, Holy Jesus the Victor
Our Lord and Our Kings
Holy, Holy Jesus the Victor
We shall have everything from thee alone.
He has been and always is!
Holy, holy Eternal.